Allergy Relief Kit | Crystals for Allergy Relief

allergy relief kit | blue lace agate crystal

Allergy Relief Kit

For years I never knew what it was like to have itchy, watery eyes that many people with allergies deal with all of the time. Have no fear I managed to get watery eyes from an old tube of mascara and decided to try my blue lace agate trick. It worked! Needless to say, I've been recommending it to people ever since. 

Since blue lace agate offers so much relief, I highly recommend following my instructions to benefit the most from this crystal. When you get the kit there are instructional cards included that explain in great detail how you use each piece to benefit the body. The fabulous news is, the stone will continuously benefit you as long as you choose to use it. The even more exciting news is you will also get a blue lace agate bracelet to wear throughout the day.

In addition you get a selenite wand and Palo Santo wood so you will be able to cleanse + recharge your blue lace quickly! Selenite benefits allow you to recharge your crystals that much quicker rather than having to wait 24 hours from the sun + moonlight to give them back their energy. Selenite properties allow for this to happen in just an hour so that you can wear them again that much sooner. Palo Santo (smudge) sticks offer a sweet bonfire-like smell when lit. Palo Santo benefits are endless however two properties that I enjoy the most are rather common. Smudge sticks act as a natural relaxant when lit as well as the smoke from the fire offers a cleansing of any + all negative energy for whatever is cleansed. 

blue lace agate crystal bracelets | allergy relief

If you're someone that suffers from itchy, watery eyes- I highly recommend that you try this kit that I created for that. The blue lace agate will give you quick relief and you will be able to use it over and over again without having to buy more. 

What drives your eyes crazy? Tell me in the comments below!

Much light + love,
